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German Sustainability Science Summit 2021
8. Juli 2021 - 9. Juli 2021
On 8 & 9 July 2021 the German Sustainability Science Summit 2021 will take place as an interactive virtual event. The summit continues the series of the German Future Earth Summits organised by the German Committee Future Earth (Deutsches Komitee für Nachhaltigkeitsforschung, DKN).
The summit will provide a platform for exchange on the latest scientific findings in the field of sustainability research. It will cover a range of topics from normativity, epistemology and attainability of sustainable development over extreme events, resilience, social cohesion and well-being to climate change, biodiversity, diet and health.
Besides scientific sessions with presentations and discussions, a panel discussion, an interactive poster session and other interactive formats will provide room for exchange, discussion and networking across the international science community working on sustainability related topics – within and across disciplines. An update of the recent developments of Future Earth as well as chances to connect to the Future Earth network will complement the programme.
Weitere Informationen zum Kongress finden Sie »hier.